
This is not a blog. Then what is it?!

227 words, 2 min read

After years of reading blogs and various posts, I concluded that to have one you need to have something to say. Either you're smart and have many on-point observations, or you are a teacher trying to teach a new language/framework/method, etc.

This with a combination of my little imposter syndrome and my fear of sounding stupid was enough for me to not have one. On top there's my dyslexia and my English skills, and...

So, there I was thinking of having a blog, and unable to convince myself to create one. As usually in such situation’s universe finds a way. This time the way's name was Frank, my friend from work. Recently though I found a way around this.

He pointed out that all those links I'm sending him could be placed on the blog. I thought a bit about this.

And I found a word for what this is. This is a "Journal". You can think about it as a newsletter too. For me, it's a place where I'll be putting all the interesting things I've run into and read/watched with my semi-first thoughts.

Credits where it's due: The code that's this journal is running on has been inspired by Lee Robinsons blog as well as this post on how to use markdown with Next.js, by Lee. Inspiration for the designs comes from Staff.design